My Prince Who Is Charming
Notions Of Love
If a girl is strong she would surely wait for a prince charming to soften her heart, a lady who can do it all will have someone in her life who would hold her and then heal her!
Well, the same notion is held by the average society about men, they are strong they say, they hold the house together when someone from outside tries to attack anyone, well no one is gonna ease your pain, and no one will heal you and no one will solve problems for you, neither a lady nor a man.
You could be partners, you could team up to become something, to face issues, to face problems and love together, there is no one person in a relationship who fights it all and no one designated person who will heal the other one.
So as not soo huge expert on dating (Due to many failed relationships), I give you this piece of advice:
1. S/he could help you not heal you
2. Fight together
3. Face together
4. Stick together
5. Understanding-partner is a scam, understand this!
6. Love them no matter what
If you guys have burned the ship of leaving each other, burn one more and that is s called "Gender designated working".
Ladies stop "Maternal gating your man"
Men stop thinking that "she would do it for you"
Ladies start being more "assertive"
Men start being more "home involved"
Well as a feminist I have a piece of relationship advice for the men who are dating ladies who are feminists and they are somehow confused about how should they take this:
1. We still love flowers
2. We are strong, you too are and if you believe in equality (which you should) you too are a feminist you just do not wanna hold that word which makes you very accountable, so just relax.
3. Yes if a lady has tagged herself a feminist, she is very strong (Naturally because she is targeted in every party, every comment, EVERYWHERE and she still decides to hold that title)
4. You are not her healer, be in love, love her, she is finding love in you, so as a lover love, your love would help her obviously but not heal her, she needs no healing, she is crying because one of her competitors won not because she is weak but because she thinks she deserved that position and she competes well.
5. Do not forget your manners just because she is a feminist! (If you know what I mean!!!!!)
Next, if a guy you are dating is a feminist, well a guy feminist would be able to tell you that better than me. (I would ask some male feminist to write the other 5 points for you my lovely ladies)
Well, the whole point of this conversation was "no prince charming and no princess, it's the Queen and the King, self-made, self-healed together!
Love S.
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